Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/199

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Wishing to show that he meant to do his duty, the young electrician hurried off to the stable to get his turnout.

On the way he saw a truck coming down the street. On the seat sat Macklin.

"I was waiting for you," remarked the truckman, as he drove up. What kept you so long?"

"I had to report at the office first," returned Franklin. "I am after the truck now. Can I get it?"

"Here is the key to the stable. After this whoever leaves the stable last locks up, and puts the key on a nail in the feed store next door. The feed man will tell you the place."

"Thank you. I'll remember that," returned Franklin.

He took the key, and continued on his way. Five minutes more brought him to the stable. Unlocking the door, he hurried inside, and was soon busy harnessing the horses, which Macklin had fed.

While the young electrician was at work, he heard a footstep outside, and a moment later, the figure of a burly man darkened the doorway. He looked up and saw that his visitor was Hank Bitters.

On the moment Franklin realized that there was trouble ahead. The discharged truckman had threatened to get square with him, and he would most likely try to keep his word.