Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/216

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had made himself at home in his new qnarters. "The captain wants to get off early to-day."

Franklin was in a quandary, not wishing to disobey orders and still unwilling to go where Macklin might see him.

"Yes, sir," he said. "I'll go out as soon as I fix my shoes."

He sat down, and, while lacing up the shoe slowly, help came from an unexpected quarter.

"Hi, Mr. Pollock, ain't I to hab any help no mo'?" cried a voice from the cooking galley, and a big negro stalked up, soup ladle in hand, and with a wrathful look on his homely visage.

"Yes, here's the new hand can help you," returned the mate. "Never mind going on deck," he added to Franklin. "Go and help Jeffers get dinner ready. That will be part of your work while you are on board."

Glad to get out of what he thought a tight situation, the young electrician left the forecastle and followed the negro to the galley.

"Peel those potatoes in dat dere basket and open dem cans ob green corn," ordered Jeffers, setting him to work without delay. "And after dat yo' kin cut dat piece ob beef up into hash. De dinner is an hour behind han' aready!"

The work assigned to him was not to his taste, but nevertheless Franklin set about it cheerfully. Before he had finished the tasks mentioned, and