Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/221

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To go out into the downpour of rain was not pleasant, but there was no help for it, and after Franklin had bolted every porthole and every window, he crawled up the companionway ladder.

The rain and wind almost took him off his feet, and in less than five minutes he was drenched to the skin. He tried to find some shelter beside the forecastle, but was ordered aft by Captain Cosgrove.

We want no skulking around during a storm like this!" he growled, savagely. "Stand where I can see you when I want you. If you don't I'll—"

A brilliant flash of lightning caused him to break off short. Then came a sharp crack and a mighty crash of thunder, Which seemed to shake the freight-boat from stem to stern. On the instant, the deck was littered with a mass of splintered wood, long ropes and ribbons of canvas.

"The foretopmast has been struck!" sang out Pollock, the mate.

"Stand by to clear away the wreck!" rang out in Captain Cosgrove's loudest tones.

And then the sailors fairly flew in all directions for axes and other implements, with which to do as they had been ordered.