Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/233

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"A friend of Walter!" cried the woman joyfully. "Certainly you can come in."

Franklin at once tried the door. It was locked. This was another surprise. Was it possible that Montague Smith and the man called Fipher kept Mrs. Bliss a prisoner.

"I believe you will find the key on the nail," called out Mrs. Bliss. "They generally leave it there."

Franklin looked around and found the nail referred to, but it was empty.

"I will be back shortly," he called out, and ran downstairs two steps at a time, wondering how this strange adventure into which he had fallen was going to end.

In the lower hallway he met the girl, who was deliberating about following him up.

"I want the key to Mrs. Bliss' room," he said sharply.

"Yes, sir. But I—I—Mr. Fipher's orders—" she stammered.

"Never mind Mr. Fipher's orders. Give me the key; I am in a hurry."

"Yes, sir. Please, sir, I'm a new girl here, and I don't want to get into any trouble, sir," and the girl looked as if ready to cry.

"You won't get into any trouble through me," returned Franklin, more kindly. "But I can't understand what you have Mrs. Bliss locked up for."