Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/24

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It was somewhat dark in the little conservatory on account of the many plants, and Will and Charley were sorry they had not placed lanterns around. They would make such a pretty effect among the flowers.

"I spoke about it, but Frank said not to mind," explained Will.

"Well, it will be too dark to eat——" began Mrs. Bell.

Then she stopped short and looked up into one of the large palms, from the branches of which a curious hissing sound issued.

Then came a splutter, several flashes of fire, and in another second the little conservatory was illumined by half a dozen brilliant electric lights.

What a shout went up! "Did you ever!" "Isn't it just lovely!" "I never thought Frank could do it!"

Will waved his handkerchief over his head.

"Hurrah for Franklin Bell!" he cried.

And just as Franklin appeared once more the cheers were given with a will.

The youth was so embarrassed he fairly sneaked into his seat, but he was hauled out by Will and made to acknowledge the cheers.

The supper was a success, and after it was over every one felt in the best of humor.

When most of the young folks had grown tired of dancing Franklin brought down one of his bat-