Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/246

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make a fortune out of that invention if I could only get the plans and specifications."

"As valuable as that, eh?"

"Yes—if they are brought to light soon. Of course in a few years they may be valueless—if somebody else comes along with something better."

"Well, I've done the best I could for you," responded Nathan Fipher, doggedly. Why don't you try to make an impression on her yourself?"

"By jove! I will!" cried Montague Smith. "But then, you know, she thinks I helped get her brother out of the way," he added, suddenly.

"Why don't you hint at the truth and promise to let her know all if she does as you wish her to?"

"That's an idea, Fipher! I've a good mind to go at once!"

"We've got a couple of hours to spare. I'll go out and look after the horse, and you can go up if you wish. I reckon it won't do any harm."

The two talked the matter over for a minute longer, and then Montague Smith determined to carry out the plan.

Nathan Fipher immediately passed out of the house in the direction of the barn. In leaving the room he almost brushed against Franklin's coatsleeve, and the young electrician hardly dared to breathe for fear of discovery.

Montague Smith lost no time in carrying out the plan that was in his mind. He walked out