Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/249

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"Supposing I have, I shall not tell you all I know. Now leave me, I would prefer to be alone."

"I won't leave until you have revealed your secrets to me, Mrs. Bliss. Remember you are in my power."

"I know that only too well. But you have threatened me before, so I am not so fearful as I might otherwise be."

"But you must know that there is a limit to everything. You must tell me all you know or suffer the consequences," and Montague Smith caught the woman by the arm fiercely.

"Let me go!" she cried, in alarm. "Let me go, Montague Smith!"

She began to shriek in terror, and thinking that the rascal meant to do her bodily harm, Franklin shoved open the door and sprang into the room.

"Let go of Mrs. Bliss!" he cried, as he advanced upon Montague Smith. "Let go of her, or I will crack you over the head with a chair!"

And catching up the article of furniture he had mentioned, he stood ready to strike.