Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/258

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"Fipher said he had. He said a doctor had given him a certificate that I was insane!"

"I guess you are not insane now," smiled Franklin. "Here comes an empty cab. Supposing I put you in that?"

"I have no money to pay for a cab."

"That will be all right," returned the young electrician.

He hailed the driver of the cab, and without delay assisted Mrs. Bliss into the vehicle and got in beside her.

"Where shall we go?" he asked.

"I don't know," she returned, blankly. "I know nothing of Milwaukee any more."

"I will take you to one of the hotels, if you wish:"

"But I have no money—"

"I will pay the bills, so do not worry about that," said Franklin, and he directed the driver to drive at once to a large hotel he had noticed the day before during his walk around the city.

On the way Franklin looked back a number of times, but so far as he could ascertain they were not followed.

"I have telegraphed to Walter Robinson," he said to his companion. "He will probably come up in a day or two, and then you can confer with him as to what will be best to do."

"You are very kind," replied Mrs. Bliss, fervidly.