Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/49

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"What business is that of yours?" demanded Mrs. Mace.

"I think I have a right to know. You accuse me of stealing, and I wish to prove my innocence."

"I came down from the room about ten minutes before you arrived."

"Who was in the room after you came down?"

"No one."

"Who is in the house besides yourself?"

"Only Mary, the cook, and she was in the kitchen."

Franklin drew a long breath.

"I think I know who is guilty," he said, in rather a low tone.

"And who, pray?"

"Andrew Gresson."

"Andrew Gresson!" repeated all three of the others.

"Yes. I hate to say so, but I must do it to clear myself."

"I don't know the party, and I'm sure he hasn't been near the place, said Mrs. Mace.

"He left just as we arrived, ma'am."


"I say he did. I was wondering what he was doing about the place, and meant to mention the matter to you."

"Who is this Andrew Gresson?" questioned Belden Brice, with great interest.