Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/83

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in the search for Andy Gresson, and the two spent nearly an hour in the lumberyard and in the sheds and buildings around it.

But it was all to no purpose. During the brief interval that had elapsed while Franklin was telling his story, Silas Fell's former workman had made good his escape, and not a single trace of him could be found.

"It's too bad," thought the young electrician, as he wended his way to the depot, just as the train for Paterson came in sight, "Perhaps Gresson has not yet disposed of those rings and has them still in his pocket."

Cora Brice was surprised over his long absence, but he explained to the little girl that he had chanced to catch sight of a man he had wished to see very much before leaving Newark. She asked no further questions on the point, and soon interested both herself and the young electrician in the scenery of the country through which they were passing.

Paterson was soon reached, and here a surprise awaited both of them. Cora had expected to find her way home alone while Franklin presented himself at Belden Brice's office, and here was the gentleman at the depot awaiting them.

Mr. Brice took Cora up in his arms and kissed her affectionately, asking her at the same time if she had had a good time. Then he held out a hand