Page:Bound to be an Electrician.djvu/86

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details of the business, for that is what would be best for you, to my way of thinking."

"Yes, I would like that best. But I am willing to take anything," added Franklin, quickly. "I must be earning some money, now my Uncle Will is sick."

"There is one place I haven't tried yet," went on Belden Brice. "It is the Phoenix Electric Fan Works. I own some stock in that concern, and I think I can get you in there without much trouble."

"Why, that would be just the thing, wouldn't it? Electric fans are in the right line——" began Franklin.

"They are, that is true, my boy. But the works are devoted principally to the manufacturing of the fans, and only a few men are employed in the electrical department."

"Perhaps if I get work there I can prove that I am best fitted for the electrical department——"

"I thought of that. But I have one strong objection to seeing you go to work at the Phoenix shops. The class of hands employed there are, on the average, hardly fit to associate with a refined boy like yourself. When the shops were first opened all the other factories in Paterson were running full time, and, as a consecjuence, it was hard to get good hands. Our superintendents were not careful, and I understand that at present we have some very undesirable workmen on our payrolls."