Page:Bourinots Rules of Order 1918.djvu/8

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The author has found it expedient to issue this abridgment of his larger Manual on the Procedure of Public Bodies in general, in order to the demand that appears to exist for the issue of a compact and short treatise for common use at the lowest possible price. This volume contains all those material parts of the large book, in which are laid down he well recognized rules and principles that are generally applicable to the orderly conduct of Assemblies. The author has endeavored to make his explanation, would like to believe that all those who study these pages conscientiously and industriously will be ab k t^ understand without difficulty the proper method of business, and debate that should obtain in deliberative and legislative bodies. Those who wish to pursue the subject at greater length, and apply the principles laid down :n the following pages to Synods, Conferences Municipal Councils and Legislative Assemblies may extend their confidence in the writer still further and consult the more elaborate works to whose preparation he devoted some years of his life.