Page:Boy Scouts and What They Do.djvu/31

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The Object of Scouting.

It will be seen that the work done by the Scouts in Bingley Hall might come under the following headings:—

Handicrafts. The Chief Scout says about these: "I am very anxious to extend the development of handicrafts among Scouts in all parts of the country." So Scouts were seen showing their skill at

  • Carpentering.
  • Basket-making.
  • Farming.
  • Engineering.
  • Plumbing.
  • Printing, and a number of other useful trades.

Character Training, or the work designed to train boys in perseverance, hardihood, pluck and skill.

  • The First-Class Badge.
  • Pathfinding.
  • Handy-man work.
  • Pioneering, and the like.

Public Service. The Scout is taught to be always ready to assist his country and his fellow-men. He promises on becoming a Scout “On my honour I will do my best to help other people at all times.”

  • Ambulance.
  • Fireman.
  • Friend to Animals.
  • Interpreter.
  • Signaller.
  • Missioner.