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Original Articles and Clinical Cases
  1. Frey, Max von. "Ueber den Ortsinn der Haut," Sitzb. d. phys.-med. Gesellschaft zu Würzburg; Jahrgang 1902.
  2. Idem. "The Distribution of Afferent Nerves in the Skin," Journ. Amer. Med. Assoc., September 1, 1896, vol. xlvii., p. 645.
  3. Goldscheider. "Gesammelte Abhandlungen," Bd. i., Leipzig, 1898.
  4. Head, Rivers and Sherren. "The Afferent Nervous System from a New Aspect," Brain, 1905, vol. xxviii., p. 99.
  5. Idem and Sherren. "The Consequences of Injury to the Peripheral Nerves in Man," Brain, 1905, vol. xxviii., p. 116.
  6. Idem and Thompson. "The Grouping of Afferent Impulses within the Spinal Cord," Brain, vol. xxix., p. 537.
  7. Henri, Victor. "Ueber die Raumwahrnehmungen des Tastsinnes," Berlin, 1898.
  8. Lindemann. De Sensu Caloris," 1857. Quoted by Thunberg, "Nagel's Handbuch d. Physiologie," Bd. iii., S. 687.
  9. Mackenzie, James. "The Pilomotor or Goose-skin Reflex," Brain, 1893, vol. xvi., p. 518.
  10. McDougall. "Reports Cambridge Anthropological Expedition to Torres Straits," Cambridge, 1903, vol. ii., Pt. 2, p. 189.
  11. Idem. The Nature of Inhibitory Processes within the Nervous System," Brain, 1903, vol. xxvi., P. 153.
  12. Nothnagel. "Beiträge zur Physiologie u. Pathologie des Temperatursinns, Deutsch. Archiv f. klin. Med., 1867, Bd. ii., S. 284.
  13. Sherrington. "On the Anatomical Constitution of Nerves of Skeletal Muscles; with Remarks on Recurrent Fibres in the Ventral Spinal Nerve-root," Journ. of Physiol.. 1894–5, vol. xvii., p. 211.
  14. Sommer. "Über d. Zahl d. Temperaturpunkte der äusseren Haut," Sitzb. d. phys.-med. Gesellschaft zu Würzburg, Sitzung vom 22. November, 1900, S. 63.
  15. Strumpell. "Ueber d. Bedeutung d. Sensibilitätsprüfungen mit besonderer Berlicksichtigung d. Drucksinnes," Deutsch. med. Wochenschr., September 22, 1904, Jahrgang 30, No. 39, S. 1411; No. 40, S. 1460.
  16. Thunberg. "Physiologie d. Druck-, Temperatur-, und Schmerzempfindungen," "Nagel's Handbuch d. Physiologie," Bd. iii, S. 647.