Page:Bright's Anglo-Saxon Reader.djvu/87

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St. Mark, Chapter IV.

[The text is based on the Corpus MS. 140 (Corp.) in the library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge. Variants are taken from A (= MS. Ii. 2. 11. of the Camb. Univ. Lib.), and from B (= MS. Bodl. 441).]

(1) And eft hē ongan hī æt þǣre sǣ lǣran. And him
wæs mycel męnegu tō gegaderod, swā þæt hā on scip
ēode, and on þǣre sǣ wæs; and eall sēo męnegu ymbe
þā sǣ[1] wæs[2] on lande. (2) And hē hī fela on bigspel-
lum lǣrde, and him tō cwæð on his lāre, (3) Gehȳrað:5
Ūt ēode sē sǣdere his sǣd tō sāwenne. (4) And þā, hē
sēow,[3] sum fēoll wið þone weg, and fugelas cōmon and
hit frǣton. (5) Sum frēoll ofer stānscyligean,[4] þār hit
næfde mycele eorðan, and sōna ūp ēode; and for þām hit
næfde eorðan þiccnesse, (6) þā hit ūp ēode, sēo sunne10
hit forswǣlde, and hit forscranc, for þām hit wyrtruman
næfde. (7) And sum fēoll on þornas; þā stigon ðā
þornas and forðrysmodon þæt, and hit wæstm ne bær.
(8) And sum fēoll on gōd land, and hit sealde ūppstīg-

endne and wexendne[5] wæstm; and ān brōhte þrītig-15
  1. Only in A.
  2. Corp., B, wæron.
  3. Corp., B, sew.
  4. A, stanscylian.
  5. MSS., -stigende and wexende.