Page:Brinkley - Japan - Volume 6.djvu/310

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lency the proposed project in English in accordance with your instructions. I added that the longer the conclusion of an accord is postponed the more difficult will it become, as the condition of affairs in the Far East is now getting more and more complicated. I asked him to hasten the matter as much as possible. He said he would examine the project with care.

No. 7.Mr. Kurino to Baron Komura

Petersburg, August 24th, 1903.

(Telegram.)Received, August 25th, 1903.

Count Lamsdorff received me yesterday by special arrangement, and I asked his views, as well as the attitude of the Russian Government regarding our proposals, adding that the Japanese Government are now impatiently waiting for a reply. He said that he had studied the project seriously, but that the Emperor having been absent over a week on account of the manœuvres, he had been unable to take any steps in the matter; but he asked my opinion about transferring the negotiations to Tokio, as there were many details which would have to be referred to Admiral Alexieff. I said to him that the Japanese Government having confided the matter to me, I should prefer to proceed with it, but that I was willing to communicate his opinion to you.

He stated that he has already sent copy of our project to Port Arthur with the view of obtaining the opinion of Admiral Alexieff. After such conversation, he said the question of Japanese railway enterprise in Manchuria would be difficult, but upon all other points perhaps the Russian Government would be able to come to an understanding. I said that in order to arrive at a satisfactory understanding, mutual concessions as well as a spirit of conciliation are necessary and that the Japanese Government would be prepared to give favourable consideration if any suggestions should be made by Count Lamsdorff.

No. 8. Baron Komura to Mr. Kurino

(Telegram.)Tokio, August 26th, 1903.

In reference to your telegram of the 24th instant, you will say to Count Lamsdorff that the Japanese Government
