Page:British Indian Ocean Territory Constitution Order 10.06.2004.pdf/5

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(9) Anything done in the United Kingdom by virtue of subsections (4) to (8) shall have, and have only, the same validity and effect as if done in the Territory.
(10) In this section, "the Supreme Court" means the Supreme Court of the Territory as established by or under a law made, or having effect as if made, under section 10 and "the Chief Justice" means the Judge (or, if there is more than one, the presiding Judge) of that Court.

Disposal of land

14. Subject to any law for the time being in force in the Territory and to any instructions given to the Commissioner by Her Majesty through a Secretary of State, the Commissioner, in Her Majesty's name and on Her Majesty’s behalf, may make and execute grants and dispositions of any land or other immovable property within the Territory that may lawfully be granted or disposed of by Her Majesty.

Powers reserved to Her Majesty

15. - (1) There is hereby reserved to Her Majesty full power to make laws for the peace, order and good government of the Territory, and it is hereby declared, without prejudice to the generality of that expression but for the avoidance of doubt, that-

(a) any law made by Her Majesty in the exercise of that power may make any such provision as Her Majesty considers expedient for or in connection with the administration of the Territory; and
(b) no such provision shall be deemed to be invalid except to the extent that it is inconsistent with the status of the Territory as a British overseas territory or otherwise as provided by the Colonial Laws Validity Act 1865.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the power to make laws reserved to Her Majesty by subsection (1), any such law may make such provision as Her Majesty considers expedient for the purposes for which the Territory was constituted and is set aside, and accordingly and in particular, to give effect to section 9(1) and to secure compliance with section 9(2), including provision for the prohibition and punishment of unauthorised entry into, or unauthorised presence in, the Territory, for the prevention of such unauthorised entry and the removal from the Territory of persons whose presence in the Territory is unauthorised, and for empowering public officers to effect such prevention or, as the case may be, such removal (including by the use of such force as is reasonable in the circumstances).
(3) In this section-
(a) "public officer" means a person holding or acting in an office under the Government of the Territory; and
(b) for the avoidance of doubt, references in this section to the prevention of unauthorised entry into the Territory include references to the prevention of entry into the territorial sea of the Territory with a view to effecting such unauthorised entry and references to the removal from the Territory of persons whose presence there is unauthorised include references to the removal from the territorial sea of the Territory of persons who either have effected an unauthorised entry into the Territory or have entered the territorial sea with a view to effecting such an unauthorised entry.
(4) There is hereby reserved to Her Majesty full power to amend or revoke this Order.

A K. Galloway