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Stay at home in your own country,
let your trial come on;
By the laws of sweet Ireland,
you shall never be undone.

Within two or three months after,
to her uncle she appear'd
Crying, Dear uncle, dear uncle,
let Jamie Randal go free:

For my apron being about me,
he took me for a swan:
But it is Oh! and ever alas!
it was sweet Mally Bann.

All the maidens in the country,
they are all very glad
That this beautitul, this lovely,
this fair one was dead.

She was the flow'r of all the nation,
the flower of Colrain:
The flower of all the nation
was sweet Mally Bann,

When the fair maids in the city,
were assembled in a row,
She appeared amongst them
like a mountain of snow.

The flower of all the nation,
the flower of Colrain,
The flower of all the nation
was sweet Mally Bann.