Page:Brock centenary 2nd ed. 1913.djvu/76

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BROCK CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Why <l<» We Single out lirork as ;i hero anion.; |Q

many who have rendered good service to the coun«  try? I think thai ii is because he was b man of loyalty, rigour, energy and administrative ability; tie \\ as the embodiment of t he pat riot Ism and loyalty of tin- people; because he had within him the power to Inspire others with the spirit of patriotism and Belf •sacrifice; and above and beyond nil, it is due to his efforts, and to the >i>irit of resistance and Imperialism to which he form ami substance, that Canada to-day is an Integral part of the British Empire, and a daughter nation within that great galaxy of the nations know n as i he Brit ish Empire.

What does it mean to be a British citisen? What benefits accrue to as by having this status? Are imi the paths of the sea open to as and to our com* merce by the grace of the British navy? Can we not go i" nil parts of the world as Individuals, knowing that the Union Jack protects us? Is It a small privilege to share in the brave deeds of the British army? Are we not proud of our common literature, and are not Shakespeare and Milton and Tennyson our very own? So\ borrowed plumes we are wearing, but our own. And are not the benefits of British civil, religious and political liberty ours also? [s not British justice and administration of the law something to be proud of and to be thankful for? What should we do t<> ninininin our Btatus ns n partner, n full partner, in the imperial concern? Is it not our bounden duty to contribute directly to the support of the British navj ? Are we to lag behind the other self- governing nations of the Empire In this essential duty? A thousand times No! A Government which will subscribe twenty-five millions of dollars for this purpose, and at once, can go to the polls in perfect confidence when their time comi the people for their verdict

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