Page:Browne - The Plain Sailing Cook Book.djvu/55

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  • ½ pound sausage meat, or
  • ½ pound link sausages

  • Frying-pan or pie-pan
  • Pancake-turner


  1. If the sausages are in skins, they should be washed, and the skins pricked at frequent intervals with a darning-needle. If sausage meat is used, it should be rolled or moulded into small balls or cakes.
  2. Place the sausage in a hot greased frying-pan directly over the fire, or in a pie-pan in a hot oven.
  3. Turn the sausage every few minutes, and when it begins to brown reduce the heat. Then cover the frying-pan or pie-pan, and cook twenty to thirty minutes, depending upon the size of the sausages or cakes.

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