Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/337

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Page 137

27/ NGOs in Chile, Colombia, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Turkey have also published 'State of the Environment' reports. Official reports have appeared in Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Israel, Japan, the Netherlands, the Philippines. Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United States, and Yugoslavia.

28/ See, for example, the annual State or the World report by Worldwatch Institute, the World Resources Report by World Resources Institute and the International Institute for Environment and Development. and the World Conservation Strategy by IUCN.

29/ Report of the World Industry Conference on Environmental Management sponsored by the International Chamber of Commerce and UNEP, 1984 see particularly the principles adopted by OECD in 1985 as a clarification of the OECD Guiding Principles for Multinational Enterprises in International Legal Materials, vol 25, No. 1 (1}86)2 see also the presentation to WCED Public Hearings. eels, June 1985, on 'World Industry Conference Follow-Up' by the Chairman of the Environment Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce.

30/ See P.S. Thachr 'International Institutional Support: The International System, Funding and Technical Assistance', paper presented to the World Conservation Strategy Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 1986.

31/ United Nations, Report of the United Nations conference Human Environment, document A/Conf.48/14/Rev l, Chapter 1 (New York: 1972).

32/ These and other principles have been developed as proposed Articles for a Convention in the report to WCED by its Experts Group on Environmental Law. Their report also contains contemporary on the legal precedents and references to each Article See Legal Principle for Environmental Protection (Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Martnus Nijhoff, in pres).

33/ For on overview of dispute settlement procedures, mechanisms, and needs. see E.E. Stein and G. Grenville Wood, 'The Settlement of Environmental Dispute: A Forward Look', prepared for WCED, 1985.

34/ OECD, Environment and Economics, Vol. I, op. cit.

35/ OECD, Environment and Economics, Result of the International Conference on Environment and Economics (Paris: 1985)

36/ For a summary report on the work of the Committee of International Development Institutions on the Environment, UNEP, 1985 Annual Report. op. cit.

37/ Statement by Dr M.K. Tolba, UNEP Executive Director, at the opening of the Sixth session of CIDIE, hosted by the Organization of American State, Washington, DC, June 1985.
