Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/351

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Page 351

Timoshenku (USSR), and Amado Tolentino (Philippines). Their report was submitted to and considered by the Commission during its meeting in Harare in September 1986. It will be published under the title Legal Principles for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development.

During the course of its work, the Commission also engaged experts. research institutes, and academic centres of excellence from around the globe to prepare more than 75 studies and reports relating to the eight key issues for the Commission' review and consideration. These studies and reports provided an invaluable resource base for the final reports of he Commission's Advisory Panels and for the final chapters of this report.

Financial Contributions

Initial funding to permit the Commission to commence its work came from the governments of Canada, Denmark, Finland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden. and Switzerland. Each of these 'sponsoring' governments had been instrumental in the creation of the Commission and during the course of the Commission' work. each of them increased their contribution beyond their original pledge.

In addition to the 'sponsoring' group of countries, the Commission has also received untied financial contributions from governments of Cameroon, Chile, the Federal Republic of Germany, Hungary, Oman, Portugal, and Saudi Arabia. Significant contributions have also been received from the Ford Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, as well as from NOPAD and SIDA.

Other Contributions

The City and Canton of Geneva restored and furnished one win of the Palais Wilson and provided that to the Commission's Secretariat free of rent and utilities. The local cost of the Commission's meetings in Indonesia, Brazil, Zimbabwe, and the USSR were covered by the host governments. The cost of the Commission's working group meeting in Moscow were also covered by the Soviet Government. The costs of the working group meeting in Berlin (West) were covered by the Federal Republic of Germany. The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development hosted and covered all of the costs of a meeting in Kuwait of the Advisory Panel on Energy. The accounts of the Commission have been audited by Hunziken and Associate of Geneva.

The Commission's sincere appreciation is extended to all the governments, foundations, and institutes that provided the financial and other support necessary for it to complete its work, including those that contributed funds too late to be acknowledged here.
