Page:Brundtland Report.djvu/99

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Page 99

24/ The Common Fund is an international arrangement for the stabilization of prices for a group of commodities of particular interest to developing countries. The Second Window of the fund is meant to provide resources for promotional and research measures.
25/ I. Welter and J.H. Loudon. 'Environmental Costs and the Patterns of North-South Trade', prepared for WCED. 1986.
26/ Ibid.
27/ UN Centre on Transnational Corporations. Transnational Corporations in World Development Third Survey (New York: UN. 1986)
28/ Ibid
29/ Commonwealth Working Group. Technological Change (London: Commonwealth Secretariat. 1985).
30/ The reference is to the activities of the international institutes that work under the umbrella of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research of the World Bank.
