Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 1.djvu/26

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In 1840 he exhibited 'Singing for a Wife,' and in 1842 a popular picture "The Vicar of Wakefield in Prison.' In successive years appeared Paul and Virginia' (1843), 'The Judgment of Midas' and 'Captain Macheath Betrayed' (1844), "Threading the Needle' (1846), 'Plenty (1849), 'The First Night in a Convent' (1853), 'The Baptisin (1856), Tête-à-Tête' (1860), Mlle. de Saubreil' (1861), 'The Courtship of Gainsborough' (1863), The Beacon' (1876) and 'Returning from Church' (1883), which now belongs to the Baroness Burdett-Coutts. His early study of scene painting led him to join with T. Grieve, Telbin and others in the pro- duction of the first and famous diorama 'The Route of the Overland Mail to India,' which appeared in London in 1850. He exhibited several pictures at the Academy, among them, in 1857, an oil-painting Boulogne 1857' which attracted much attention. He also sent works to the British Institution and the British Artists' Galleries. Many of his drawings were engraved and otherwise reproduced in black and white and also in colours, and were in their day exceedingly popular. He died in 1895.

ABTS, Wouter, was born, it is said, at Lier, near Antwerp, in 1582. He was admitted as a master to the Guild at Antwerp in 1604-5; and he died in 1642-43. He excelled in painting conversation-pieces and landscapes. Adrian de Bie was one of his pupils. (See notice by Van Lerius in Meyer's 'Künstler-Lexikon.)

ACCAMA, Bernardus, a portrait painter, born at Leeuwarden in 1697, where he died in 1756. His works were much esteemed by his own countrymen, but are little known elsewhere. The Hôtel de Ville of his native town formerly possessed several good pictures by him, but they were de- stroyed by rioters in 1795.

ACCAMA, Matthijs, brother of Bernardus, was born at Leeuwarden, in 1702. He went to Italy, where he copied, with considerable talent, several pictures of the ancient masters. He died at his native town in 1783. He painted historical and emblematical subjects.

ACCER. See Accius.

ACCHILLINO, a Bolognese painter, flourished about 1324. Verci (Storia Trevigiana) says that the portrait of Can Grande, who died in 1329, was painted by him.

ACCIUS, Cesare Antonio (or Accer), an Italian landscape painter, lived about 1609, and was considered an artist of talent, but his works are now little known. Three etchings of landscapes by Accius are mentioned, one of which, noticed by Heineken, bears his name and the date 1609.

ACEVEDO, Cristobal de (or Acebedo), an historical painter, who was born probably at Madrid about 1540, was a disciple of Bartolomé Carducho in 1585, and painted pictures for many of the convents in the capital. The nobleness of his characters, and his purity of design, placed him among the good artists of his time. He painted large subjects of sacred history. The date of his death is unknown, but it took place probably about the end of the 16th century.

ACEVEDO, Manuel (or Acededo), who was born at Madrid in 1744, was a disciple of José Lopez, but by diligently copying the works of the best painters he soon surpassed his master. He painted historical and religious subjects, and was much employed in Madrid. Bermudez mentions a 'John the Baptist' and a 'St. Francis' by him in the chapel of the hospital of La Latina at Madrid. He died in 1800.

ACHARD, Jean Alexis, painter and etcher, was born at Voreppe (Isère), June 8, 1807. He first appeared at the Salon in 1839, with a ‘View near Cairo,' after which he contributed a number of landscapes, chiefly French in subject. His 'View near Grenoble' is in the Luxembourg. Towards the close of his life he devoted himself mainly to etching. He died October 6, 1884.

ACHEN, Arnaut van. See Aken.



ACHTSCHELLINCK, LUCAS, was born at Brussels, and baptized on the 16th of January, 1626. In 1639 he entered the studio of Pieter van der Borcht, but it was not until 1657 that he was admitted, as a master, to the Guild. He died in Brussels in 1699, and was buried in that city, the scene of his labours; and there, in the church of SS. Michael and Gudule, in the town-hall, and in the Museum, remain a few of his best works. His manner is broad and bold; the foliage of his trees lightly touched, and apparently in motion; his formns and scenery are grander than is usual in the works of the artists of his country; and his distances recede with a pleasing degradation. His pictures hold a place in the choicest collections in the Low Countries, and are deservedly admired. The Dresden Gallery has two landscapes ascribed to him. Achtschellinck's works were, it is said, ornamented with figures by G. van Oost, L. de Deijster, Pieter Bout, and other painters. Achtschellinck had a younger brother, PIETER, who was also a painter.

ACKER, Jakob, a member of a family of artists who flourished at Ulm in the 15th century, is known as the author of a painting, representing sacred subjects, on the side-wings and the predella of an altar-piece in the chapel of St. Leonard, in the church-yard at Risstissen. It bears his name and the date 1483. In 1473 he decorated the doors of the organ-loft at Münster, in Swabia. It has been surmised that this artist may also be identical with a glass-painter, Jakob Acker, who flourished in Nördlingen in the 15th century.

ACKER, Johannes Baptista van, who was born at Bruges in 1794, studied under Ducq, and soon became popular as a miniature-painter. In 1834 he went to Paris, and was there acknowledged as one of the best artists of his class. After his return to Bruges, he was called by King Leopold to Brussels, and painted numerous miniatures of the royal family and personages of the court. After a journey to England, Van Acker returned to Bruges, where he died, in 1863.

ACKERMANN, Johann Adam, who was born at Mainz in 1780, and studied there, visited Paris, but settled, in 1804, at Frankfort. He paid two visits to Rome. His winter landscapes gained him much praise. Of his works may be mentioned 'Auerbach,' in the Darmstadt Gallery. He died at Frankfort in 1853. His younger brother, Georg Friedrich Ackermann, was also a landscape painter of repute. He was born at Mainz in 1787, and died at Frankfort in 1843.

ACQUA, B. Dell' (or Agua). See Dell'Acqia.

ACQUA, C. Dall' (or Aqua). See Dall'Acqua.

ACQUARELLI,—, was a Neapolitan painter

of architecture, of great merit, who flourished about 1640. He painted ornamental decoration