Page:Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers, volume 5.djvu/32

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SABBATINI, Lorenzo, called Lorenzixo da Bologna, was born about 1530 at Bologua, wbere he studied under Tibaldi. After having painted several pictures for tlie cliurches at Bologna, lie visited Rome during the pontificate of Gregory XIII., and improved his style by study of the works of Raphael, iniitiitin.s;- them with such success, that he has been called a pupil of Raphael, although he was born some ten years after his death. In his smaller pictures he seems to have followed Parmigiano. lie was employed by the pope in the Capella Paolina, in the Vatican, where he painted several subjects from the Life of St. Paul in con- junction with Federigo Zuccaro. In the Sahi Reggia he painted a ' Triumph of Faith. '_ These works were executed so much to the satisfaction of the pope, that he was appointed superintendent of the decorations then going on in the Vatican. Sabbatini died at Rome in 1577. Of his numerous pictures we may name :

Bologna. & Pietroand ^ jjadouna with Saii.t.s. .S. Paulo, j The Crucifixion. Grazie, ) „ La 3Iorte. The Assumption. ,. i-. Martino Mag- g^ jo^chim aud St. Auue. S.'Giacomo. St. Michael vanquishing the Kebel Angels. „ „ The Four Evaugelists. „ ., The Four Doctors of the Church.

Dre.sJeii. Galki-y, Marriage of St. Cathariue. Paris. Louvre. Virgin aud Cliild aud St. John.

SABLET, Jacques Henei, brother of the nest- named, was born in 1749 at Morges. H>i was the pupil successively of Dubois and Cocher, at Lyons, and of Vien, in Paris. He travelled in Spain and lived twenty j-ears in Italy, dying in Paris in 1803. There are five of his pictui-es in the Nantes Museum.

SABLET, Jean Francois, was born at Morges, in Switzerland, in 1751, and taught the rudiments of art by a decorator at Lyons. He then went to Paris, where he studied under Vien, whom he accompanied to Rome, where he studied anatomy, ornamental design, and costume, and painted por- traits, genre pictures, and landscapes. He settled at Nantes, where, in 1812, he was commissioned by the town to paint six grisailles for the Bourse, illustrating Napoleon's visit to Nantes. After Waterloo these were sold and exported to America. Sablet died at Nantes in 1819. There are sis uf his works in the Nantes Museum.

SABLON, PlEKKE, a designer aud engraver, was born at Chartres, in 1584, according to his inscrip- tion on the oval border of his own portrait : "Pierre Sablon Ciiaktrain. xxiii ans. 1G07." On the margin is inscribed :

" Me coQtemplaut uu jour en deux diuerses gUices Je veis le mien Profil despainct uaiuement ; Lors je delibore en raoy soudaiuemeut De graver ce Pourtraict dout vo" voyez les traces." There are only three other prints known by him : ' Lamech and Cain,' after Lucas van Leyden, (Bartsch, N" 14,) but left unfinished (it is the counterpart of the original, and has the date 15"24 high up on the right, the 5 reversed, and the mark of Lucas ; at the bottom F. Sablon f. 1602 ; ' The Good Samaritan,' a small square print, mentioned in the collection of Paignon Dijonval ; and the portrait of Rabelais, bust turned to the right, but full face. This is a medallion ; on the border is

Madrid. Gallery Petersburg. Hermitaye. Rome. Vatican. inscribed "Franc. RABEbESiDS;" in the exergue, Sum petulantis plene caohino. Pers P. Sablon /."

SACCHI, Andrea, sometimes called OucHE, born at Nettuno, near Rome, about the end of the IGth century, was the son of Benedetto Sacchi, a painter of little note, by whom he was first instructed ; he afterwards studied under Francesco Albani. On leaving the school of that painter he studied Raphael, Polidoro da Caravaggio, and the antique. He was favoured by Cardinal Barberini, who employed him in his palace. Several of the public buildings of Rome possess his works. His ' St. Romuald with his Monks,' in the Vatican Gallery, used to be considered one of the four finest pictures in Rome. The composition is extremely simple; it represents the Saint seated in a valley of the Apennines, surrounded by some members of his order, and explaining his reasons for retiring from the world. The effect he has given to a group of six figures, all habited in white drapery, without the aid of contrast, is very remarkable. Sacchi died at Nettuno in 1661. Among his pupils were Lauri, Garzi, and Carlo Maratta. Additional works :

SS. Paul the Hermit aud Anthony. Portrait of Fr. Albaui. „ „ Himself. Angel cousoHug Hagar. Triumph of Truth. Repose t>f Veuus. Mass of St. Gregory. Clement VIII. Death of St. Anna. Angel appearing to Joseph. St. Andrew. Ham scoflBng at Noah. Juno in her Car. ,. „ Wisdom surrounded by the Virtues,

SACCHI, Antonio, an Italian painter of the 17th century, a native of Como. He studied at Rome, and is said to have died of grief in 1694, in consequence of having painted an ill-proportioned fresco.

SACCHI, Carlo, painter, was born at Pavia in 1617 (?), and learned the first rudiments of design in Milan from Rossi. He went to Rome, where he resided some time, and afterwards visited Venice. The works of Paolo Veronese were the particular objects of his imitation, and one of his best pictures, a ' St. James raising a dead person,' in the Osservanza, at Pavia, is painted nmch in the style of Paolo. "He also executed some etchings after the Venetian masters, among which are an 'Adora- tion of the Shepherds,' .'ifter Tintoretto, and an 'Adoration of the Magi,' after P. Veronese. He died at Pavia in 1706.

SACCHI, Gaspauo, of Imola, flourished in the early part of the 16th century, and painted many pictures in Ravenna and other parts of the Ro- magna. In the sacristy of Castel S. Pietro at Imola there is an altar-piece with his name, and the date 1517; and at Bologna, in S. Francesco-in- Tavola, another dated 1521.

SACCHI, Giuseppe, the son of Andrea, painted portraits and historical sulijects in the 17th cen- tury. He was his father's pupil, and eventually became a friar minor. No known work of his is extant, but it has been surmised that a ' Sibyl,' at Warsaw, attributed to ' Giuseipe S;iCconi,' may be by him.

6'. Carlo a Catinari. S. Giuseppe. Quirinal. jna. Gallery.