Page:Buddhist Birth Stories, or, Jātaka Tales.djvu/107

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1. St. John of Damascus's Greek Text. Seventh century A.D. First edited by Boissonade, in his 'Anecdota Græca,' Paris, 1832, vol. iv. Reprinted in Migne's 'Patrologia Cursus Completus, Series Græca,' tom, xcvi, pp. 836-1250, with the Latin translation by Billy[1] in parallel columns. Boissonade's text is reviewed, and its imperfections pointed out, by Schubart (who makes use of six Vienna MSS.) in the 'Wiener Jahrbücher,' vol. lxiii.

2. Syriac version of No. 1 exists only in MS.

3. Arabic version of No. 2 exists only in MS., one MS. being at least as old as the eleventh century.

4. Latin version of No. 1, of unknown date and author, of which MSS. of the twelfth century are still extant. There is a black-letter edition (? Spiers, 1470) in the British Museum. It was adopted, with abbreviations in several places, by Vincentius Bellovicensis, in his 'Speculum Historiale' (lib. xv. cap. 1-63); by Jacobus a Voragine, in his 'Legenda Aurea' (ed. Grässe, 1846); and was reprinted in full in the editions of the works of St. John of Damascus, published at Basel in the sixteenth century.[2] From this Latin version all the later mediæval works on this subject are either directly or indirectly derived.

4a. An abbreviated version in Latin of the fourteenth century in the British Museum. Arundel MS. 330, fol. 51-57. See Koch, No. 9, p. xiv.

German: —

5. Barlaam und Josaphat. A poem of the thirteenth century, published from a MS. in the Solms-Laubach Library by L. Diefenbach, under the title 'Mittheilungen über eine noch ungedruckte m.h.d. bearbeitung des B. and J.' Giessen, 1836.

6. Another poem, partly published from an imperfect MS. at Zürich, by Franz Pfeiffer, in Haupt's 'Zeitsch. f. d. Alterthum,' i. 127-135.

7. Barlaam und Josaphat. By Rudolf von Ems. Written about 1230. Latest and best edition by Franz Pfeiffer, in 'Dichtungen des deutschen

  1. Billy (1535-1577) was Abbot of St. Michael's, in Brittany. Another edition of his Latin version, by Rosweyd, is also reprinted in Migne, 'Series Latina,' tom. lxxiii; and several separate editions have appeared besides (Antwerp, 1602; Cologne, 1624, etc.).
  2. The British Museum copy of the first, undated, edition has the date 1539 written, in ink, on the title-page, Rosweyd, in Note 4 to his edition of Billius (Migne, vol. lxxiii. p. 606), mentions an edition bearing the dale 1548, In the British Museum there is a third, dated 1575 (on the last page).