Page:Buddhist Birth Stories, or, Jātaka Tales.djvu/11

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Prophecy of the Brāhman Priests The Ploughing Festival The Young Bodisat's Skill and Wisdom The Four Visions The Bodisat's Son is Born Kisā Gotami's Song The Great Renunciation The Great Struggle against Sin The Great Victory over Satan The Bliss of Nirvāna The Hesitation whether to Publish the Good News The Foundation of the Kingdom of Righteousness Uruvela Kassapa's Conversion Triumphal Entrance into Rājagaha Foundation of the Order Return Home Presentation of the First Monastery to the Buddha

The Birth Stories.

1. Holding to the Truth ... Apaṇṇaka Jātaka 2. The Sandy Road ... Vaṇṇupatha Jātaka 3. The Merchant of Seri ... Seri-vānija Jātaka 4. The Story of Chullaka the Treasurer ... Cullaka-seṭṭhi Jātaka 5. The Measure of Rice ... Taṇḍula-nāḷi Jātaka 6. On True Divinity ... Deva-dhamma Jātaka 9. The Story of Makhā Deva ... Makhā-deva Jātaka 10. The Happy Life ... Sukhavihāri Jātaka 11. The Story of Beauty ... Lakkhaṇa Jātaka 12. The Banyan Deer ... Mgrodha-miga Jātaka 13. The Dart of Love ... Kaṇḍina Jātaka. 14. The Greedy Antelope ... Vāta-miga Jātaka 15. The Deer who would not Learn ... Kharādiyā Jātaka 16. The Cunning Deer ... Tipallatha-miga Jātaka

72 75 76 77 79 80 82 89 96 105 111 113 114 116 119 121 131 134 147 153 158 172 178 186 190 194 199 211 214. 219 221