Page:Budget of wit and drollery.pdf/24

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yard. This was nothing more than a couple of resurrection men who had come on purpose to begin that great work rather prematurely: and as those who are raised before the due time cannot be supposed capable of standing on their legs, they had provided themselves with a horse to gi'e them a lift. They were then disputing about how they could secure the beast, while they were raising the corpse: the lad hearing this, and creeping out of his hole cries, "I'll haud him," expecting some remuneration no doubt. The fellows seeing a resurrection commencing from under a stonc, and hearing the offer of holding the horse, scampered off and left the animal, with a couple of sacks; and although the horse and sacks were advertiscd, they were never claimed, but sold for the benefit of the boy, which, procured him better lodging than beneath a grave stonc.

March of Intellect.

Two country carters, passing the entrance to the Arcade, Argyle Street, Glasgow, obscrved painted on the wall, "No dogs to enter here." "No dogs to enter here!" exclaimed one of them, "I'm sure there's no use for that there." "What way, Jock," replied the other. "'Cause dogs canna read signs," said he. "Ha, ha, Jock, ye're maybe wrang, I’se warran ye gentle folks dogs 'ill ken't brawley, for there's schools, noo, whar they learn the dumb baith to read and speak."