Page:Building Up Socialism - Nikolai Bukharin (1926).pdf/31

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domination of industrial Socialism in agrarian Russia is only a beacon calling to the proletariat of the industrial West to the fight. Only the capture of political power by the proletariat in the industrial West can guarantee the prolonged domination of industrial Socialism."[1]

In addition to Kautsky and Bauer there is a certain interest in the position held by Parvus and Ströbel. The former's pamphlet "Labour Socialism and the World Revolution—a Letter to German Workers" contains so much slander about our revolution that it is difficult to conceive of a more contemptible production. The pearls of lies of Kautsky are nothing compared with the machinations of the agile Parvus. He even explains the position he held in 1905 in such a manner as to make it appear that he never spoke about the social-revolution, but merely about Labour democracy, after the style of—Australian democracy! It will be clear to everyone, of course, that this is but an attempt to crave the forgiveness of the public opinion of Europe for the sins he committed in his remote youth and for that purpose Parvus required the Australian cloak of repentance.

From the point of view of this contemptible renegade our revolution is nothing more or less than the "occupation of the country by a mob of soldier deserters."

"For the realisation of Socialism a definite stage of development of industry and maturity of the working class are required."[2]

  1. Ibid. Here it is not difficult to observe the remarkable similarity between the position of Bauer and the views of comrade Trotsky. But about that later.
  2. Parvus: "Der Arbeitersozialismus und die Weltrevolution—Briefe an die deutschen Arbeiter," Berlin, 1919, p. 15.