Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/16

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No. 68 of 1955.

after such notice, and so far as it is in the opinion of the Building Authority attributable to such emergency the cost thereof shall be recoverable from the owner. The decision of the Building Authority that the particular case is one of emergency shall be final and binding on all persons.

Closure Order. 18. (1) Upon the application of—

(a) the Building Authority where in his opinion any building is dangerous or liable to become dangerous; or
(b) the owner—
(i) where a notice has been served upon him by the Building Authority requiring closure of a building under section 17; or
(ii) where the Building Authority has supplied a certificate to him showing that a building should be closed in order to enable building works to be carried out without danger to the occupiers or to the public,

a magistrate shall on being satisfied that notice has been given in accordance with the provisions of subsection (2) make a Closure Order:

Provided that nothing in sub-paragraph (ii) of paragraph (b) of this subsection shall entitle an owner to carry out any building works which would result in a contravention of the (Cap. 255, 1953 Reprint).Landlord and Tenant Ordinance.

(2) (a) Seven days notice of intention to apply for a Closure Order shall be given by the person making such application by posting a copy of such notice upon a conspicuous part of the building to be affected, and upon being so posted such notice shall be deemed to be notice to all persons of such intention:
Provided that in the case of an emergency such notice shall be given as is practicable.
(b) The notice shall reproduce in clear and legible form sub-

sections (3) and (7) of this section in both the English and Chinese languages.

(3) (a) Within fourteen days of the posting of the notice under subsection (2) any occupier of the building may serve on the owner notice of his intention to re-occupy the building on the expiry of the Closure Order.