Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/30

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No. 68 of 1955.

Provided that this section shall not apply where after receipt of the notice of appeal the Building Authority by a counter-notice in writing served on the person appealing certifies that an emergency requires the doing of the acts or other things specified in the counter-notice.

Governor in Council may review. 33. (1) The determination of the tribunal shall be final and not liable to be set aside for irregularity or error in matter of form, except where the Building Authority certifies in writing that in his opinion such determination involves a matter of Government policy and gives notice to the Colonial Secretary and the parties concerned within fourteen days of such determination.

(2) Where a notice has been received by the Colonial Secretary under subsection (1) the Governor in Council may review the determination to which such notice relates and for that purpose may call for the record of proceedings before the tribunal and for the written representations of such parties as he may require.

(3) Upon the review of such determination the Governor in Council may confirm or set aside the same, and may give such. direction to the Building Authority as he may see fit. The decision of the Governor in Council shall be final.

No compensation to be awarded. 34. Nothing in this Part shall authorize the award or payment of compensation to any person.

Repeal and Savings.

Repeal of Cap. 123, sections 42 and 43 of Cap. 116, and Cap. 263.
Second Schedule.
35. (1) The Buildings Ordinance is hereby repealed:

Provided that each of the sections of that Ordinance specified in the first column of the Second Schedule as amended in the manner set out in the second column thereof shall continue in operation until such time as it is replaced by regulations enacted under section 26 or by any other enactment expressed to be in substitution for such section of that Ordinance.

(2) Sections 42 and 43 and subsections (5) and (6) of section 44 of the (Cap. 116).Rating Ordinance (which deal with numbering of tenements) are hereby repealed.