Page:Buildings Ordinance, 1955 (Cap. 123).pdf/5

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No. 68 of 1955.

“street” includes the whole or any part of any square, court or alley, highway, lane, road, road-bridge, footpath, or passage whether a thoroughfare or not.

(2) The duties imposed on and the powers granted to the Building Authority under this Ordinance may be carried out and exercised by any officer of the Public Works Department authorized by the Director of Public Works either generally or particularly and subject to his instructions.

Authorized Architects and Registered Contractors.

Register of authorized architects. 3. (1) The Building Authority shall keep a register (hereinafter referred to as the architects’ register) of all persons who are qualified to perform the duties of an authorized architect in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and shall publish a list of such persons annually in the Gazette.

(2) Every applicant for inclusion in the architects’ register shall submit his application in the prescribed form to the Building Form 1. Authority.

(3) The Building Authority may appoint a Committee, not exceeding nine in number, to be known as the Authorized Architects Consulting Committee, to assist him in his consideration of such applications.

(4) No person shall be included in the architects’ register unless he has the qualifications prescribed by regulations:

Provided that any person who is at the date of the coming into operation of this Ordinance registered as an authorized architect under the provisions of the (Cap. 123).Buildings Ordinance shall be deemed to be registered as if he had duly applied for and obtained registration under this section.

(5) In respect of every application for inclusion in the architects’ register, the Building Authority shall within three months—

(a) upon payment by the applicant of the prescribed fee publish in the Gazette and enter in the architects’ register the name of the applicant; or