Page:Buke of the Howlat.djvu/52

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Before the Pape, quhen the pur preſent him had, With lic courtally as he couth, on kneis he fell ; Said Que Raby, be the rud J am richt rad for to behald your halynes, or my tale tell ; 3 may nocht fuffys to ſe zour fanctitud fad. The Pape wylie J wis, of worfchipe the well, Kaif him his braid benefoun, and baldly him bad, Chat he fuld (pedely (peike and ſpair nocht to ſpell. J come to ſpeir, quoth the ſpreit, in to ſpeciall, Duhy 3 am formed fo fowle, Ay to zowt and to gowle, as an horrible Dwle, Wglum our all. JE. I am netherit ane Dwll thus be patur, Lykar a fule than a fowle in figur and face ; Byſyn of all birdis that euer body bure, Withoutin caus or crym, kend in this caſe : J haue appelit to your preſence, precious and pur, Alkis helpe in till hailt at your halynes, That ze wald cry apon Crilt, that all has in cur, To (chape me a ſchand bird in a ſchort (pace ; And till accus Natur, this is no nay; Thus, throw your halynes, may ze Make a fair foule of me, Dr elles dredles 3 de Dr myne end day.