Page:Buke of the Howlat.djvu/54

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Duhat fuld 3 tell ony mair of thir materis, Bot thir lordis belyf the letteris has tane, Relauit thaim with reuerence, to reid as efferis; And richely the harraldis rewardit ilkane, Than buſk thaj but blyn, mony bewfchyris, Grathis tham but gruching that gait for to gane. all the ftatis of the kick out of iteid üteris, And J fall not zow richt now thar names in ane, how thai apperit to the Pape, and preſent thaim aye Fair farrand and fre, In a gudly degre, And manlyke as thocht me, In myddis of way. all thus in May, as I ment, in a mornyng, Come four Fafandis full fair in the first front, Preſent tham as patriarkis in thar appering, Benyng of obedience, and blyth in the bront : a college of cardinalis come fyne in a lyng, That war Crannis of kynd, gif 3 richt compt ; With red hattis on hed, in baile takynning Dif that deir dignite, with worſchipe ay wont : Thir ar fowlis of effect, but fellony or feid, Spirituale in all thing, Leile in thar leving, Tharfor in dignite digne, Thay dure to thar deid.