Page:Buke of the Howlat.djvu/57

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XUJJJ. The crovs Capone, a clerk onder cleir weidis, ffull of cherite, chatt, and unchangeable, Was officiale but les that the law leidis Jn caufis conſiſtoriale, that ar courſable. The Sparrowe Wenus he welit for his byle deidis, Lyand in lichory, laith, vnloveable. The Feldifer in the forelt, that febilly him feidis Be ordour ane hofpitular was ordanit full able. The Cowſchotis war perſonis in thar apparale. The Dow Popis mellinger, Rownand ape with his feir, Was a corate to heir Confeflionis hale. kJX. Confes cleir can y nocht, nor kyth all the caſe, The kynd of thar cummyng, thar companyis eike; The maner, nor the multitud, lo mony that was : MI Se fowle, and Seid fowle, was nocht for to ſeik. Thir ar na fowlis of reif, nor of richnes, Bot manſweit, but malice, manerit and meike, And all apperit to the Pape, in that ilk place, Saluft his fanctitud with ſpirituale fpeike. The Pape gaf his beneſoun, and bliflit thaim all. Duhen thaj war rangit on rawis Df that come, the haile caus Was ſaid in to ſchort fawis, as ze heir fall.