Page:Buke of the Howlat.djvu/64

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kkk33 Syne fchir (chapyn to (chawe, mony ſchene ſcheld With tuſcheis of tralt lilk tichit to the tre ; Jlk branche had the birth burly and beld, four flouriſt our all greteft of gre. Ane in the crope heigh, as cheif J beheld, Duhilk bure in till afure, blytheft of ble, Siluer Aternis ſo fair ; and part of the feld Was liluer, ſet with ane hert, heirly and hie, De gowlis full gracious, that glemyt ſo gay : Syne in aſure the mold, a Iyoun crovnit with gold, DE liluir ze ſe thold, To ramp in array. kkkJ33. Duhilk calyn be cognofcence quarterly was, With barris of belt gold it brynt as the fyr ; And #thir lignes, forſuth ſyndry 3 ges, Dif metallis and colouris in tentfull atyr. It was tyrefull to tell, dyte, or addres, all thar deir armis in dewlye deſyre. Bot part of the principale neuertheles 3 [all haift me to hewe hartlie but hyre. Thar lois and thar lordſchipe of fa lang dait, That bene cot armouris of eild, Tharin ta harrald J held ; Bot fen thaj the Brus beld, 3 wryt as 3 wait.