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APPENDIX. 20 St. x. l. 2, bot of Natur ;' 1. 5, prophetis oure lerit all the lawe;' 1. 8, papingo proude. St. xi. 1. 1, quhat sall;' 1. 2,thir letteris ;' 1. 7, of kirk.' St. XIII. 1. 9, Phesandis G 1. 3, presentit tham ; 1. 19, ding. St. xv. 1. 3, chertouris;' 1. 4,clethis of hair ;' 1. 5, at all houris.' St. xvi. l. 1, enterit that bure ;' 1.9, a cunnand.' St. xvII. 1. 2, Drake;'1 1. 4, correcter of;' 1.6, men of law;' 1.7, ruch ran.' St. XVIII. 1. 12, a curate.' St. xix. 1. 11, 'thar coming.' St. xx. 1. 3, the foull.' St. XXI. I. 2, sen thai the richt;'# 1. 5, the mater, the maner.' St. xxi. 1. 2, and syne to the.' The two last words are wanting in Asloan's MS.–1. 10, that Spirituale." St. XXIII. 1. 1, heir tauld.' St. xxiv. 1. 2, hufe thai ;' 1.7, till thai.' St. xxv. 1. 4, secound;' 1.6, percying the ;'# 1. 9, fermyt on fold.' St. xxvi. 1. 3, of mycht;' 1. 5, Spark Halkis; 1.8, circulit with.' St. XXVII. 1. 1, be conscience;' 1. 2. clene gold;' 1. 3, plant till;' 1.6, the gem and rubyis inrold.' St. xxviii. 1. 1, secound;' 1. 13, that blenkit.' St. xxix. 1. 4, ryell of array;' 1. 6 and 7, these two lines are entirely omit- ted in Asloan's MS. St. XXXI. I. 3, in distres ;' l. 12, the secondo does not occur in Bann. MS. St. XXXII. 1.2, ticht to;' 1.9, full gay;' l. 12, se schola.' St. XXXIII. 1. 5, it wer lere for to tell St. xxxv. 1. 1, 'to rayk;' 1. 6, thay the gre;'£ 1. 10, all thir.'! St. xxxvI. 1. 3, no way.' St. XXXVII. 1.4, orisons.'I St. xxxvir. 1. 5, than in ;' 1.7, and blicht;" 1. 10, as thow wont.' St. xxxix. 1. 1, or with fays be ;'1 1. 9, thus fell;' 1. 11, deidis he did. St. xL. 1. 2, set on the ;' 1. 4, slane in ficht ;' 1. 5, relevit was ;' 1. 6, ane wycht;' 1.7, mony a sad /'1 1. 13, in this.' St. XLI. 1. 2, fell of;' 1. 6, the pretius knycht that was in pane thore;' 1.7, deid doun adewe;' 1. 10, bureit thair.' St. XLII. 1: 7, galiard grome;' 1. 9,reskewand agane the. St. xliv. 1.3, caus the king :'1. 5, of weir ;' 1.6, soueranis ;' 1.7, his capi- tanis.' St. xlv. l. 5, of Saxonis ;' 1.7, thocht I thame hale knewe;'t 1. 8, suld occupy us all ;' 1.9, referring.' St. XLVI. 1. 4, trewly to tend; 1.6, quarterly, that ;'l. 8, quhilk oft was fayn.' St. XLVII. 1. 7, changit so.'