Page:Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 30 214-224.djvu/6

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Howe and Underwood: The Genus Riella

described and figured. References to the principal literature dealing with the genus, together with the names and distribution of the species hitherto described, are given below:

Riella Mont. Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 18: 11. 1852. Leitgeb, Untersuch. Leberm. 4: 74–87. pl. 7, 8. f. 1–8. 1879. Trabut, Rev. Gén. Bot. 3: 449. 1891. Goebel, Flora, 77: 104–108. pl. 2. f. 1–3. 1893. Schiffn.; E. & P. Nat. Pflanzenfam. 13: 51. 1893. Stephani, Bull. Herb. Boiss. 7: 658. 1899.

Duriaea Bory & Mont. Compt. Rend. Hebd. Acad. Sci. 16: 1115. 1843; Ann. Sci. Nat. III. 1: 228. 1844. G. L. & N. Syn. Hep. 593. 1846. Not Durieua Mérat, Mém. Soc. Roy. Sci. Lille, 1827–28: 432. 1829. Not Durieua Boiss. & Reut. Diag. Pl. Nov. Hisp. 14. 1842.

Maisonneuvea Trevis.[1] Mem. R. Ist. Lomb. III. 4: 442. 1877.

Duriella Clauson & Billot, fide Schiffn., l. c.

Riella Battandieri Trab. Rev. Bryol. 13: 35. pl. 3. 1886. Schiffn. Bot. Centralb. 27: 240. pl. 1. f. 5. 1886.

Algeria: Maison-Blanche near Algiers, Battandier, Trabut.

Exsicc.: Husnot, Hep. Gall. no. 173.

Forma Gallica (Bal.) Corbière, Rev. Bryol. 29: 113. 1902.

Riella Gallica Bal.; Trab. Rev. Gen. Bot. 3: 450. pl. 18. f. G. 1891.

France: Roquehaute, near Béziers, Hérault, Balansa, 1866, Crozals, 1902; mare de Rigaud near Agde, Hérault, Crozals, 1902.

Riella Cossoniana Trab.; Batt. & Trab. Atlas Fl. Alg. 1: 6. pl. 2, f. 1–8. 1886; Rev. Bryol. 14: 12. pl. 1887.

Algeria [2]: El Kreider, Province Oran, Cosson, 1854; Trabut, 1885.

Exsicc.: Husnot, Hep. Gall. no. 174.

  1. Trevisan rejected Riella Mont, on account of Riella Raf.; Lév.; Orb. Dict. Univ. Hist. Nat. 8: 488. 1849. This, however, is a nomen nudum and is probably a misprint for Rimella Raf. Jour. Phys. 89: 106. 1819.
  2. Allusions to the occurrence of Riella Cossoniana in the Canaries have recently appeared in print (Bot. Tidsskrift, 24: 327. 1902; Rev. Bryol. 29: 110. 1902), but it is possible that these refer to Riella affinis, described below as new.