Page:Burke's Speech on Conciliation with America.djvu/167

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81, 14. misguided people. There is little doubt that the colonists m many instances were misrepresented by the Lords of Trade and by the royal governors. See an interesting account of this in Fiske's American Revolution.

84, 10. an Act. Passed in 1767. It provided for a duty on imports, including tea, glass, and paper.

84, 20. An Act. Boston Post Bill.

85, 2. impartial administration of justice. This provided that if any person in Massachusetts were charged with murder, or any other capital offence, he should be tried either in some other colony or in Great Britain

85, 8. An Act for the better regulating See 37, 23.

85, 13. Trial of Treasons. See 50, 20.

90, 17. de jure. According to law. de facto. According to fact.

92, 1. jewel of his soul.

"Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
Is the immediate jewel of their souls."
Othello, III., iii., 155, 156.

95, 1. proposition of a ransom. See 8, 13.

95, 6. An experiment upon something of no value.

102, 6. They stake their fortune and play.

102, 16. Such a presumption. Is Burke right in this? Select instances which seem to warrant rest such a presumption. Discuss the political parties of Burke's own day from this point of view.