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deſtroyed any one in half a mile of it; and on the 19th of July a party not only had viſited (illegible text) crater, but had deſcended 170 feet within it. W(illegible text) they were on the mountain, two whirlwinds, (illegible text)actly like thoſe that form water-ſpouts at ſea, m(illegible text) their appearance and one of them, which was near, made a ſtrange ruſhing noiſe, and havin(illegible text)ken up a great quantity of the fine aſhes, for(illegible text) them into an elevated ſpiral column, which, w(illegible text) whirling motion and great rapidity, was ca(illegible text) towards the mountain of Somma, where it b(illegible text) and was diſperſed. One of our author's ſerv(illegible text) employed in collecting of ſulphur, or ſal amm(illegible text)ac, which cryſtalizies near the fumaroli, as the(illegible text) called (and which are the ſpots whence the hot (illegible text)pour iſſues out of the freſh lava) found to his g(illegible text) ſurprize, an exceeding cold wind iſſue from a f(illegible text) very near the hot fumaroli upon his leg. In a (illegible text) yard not in the ſame line with the new-fo(illegible text) mountains juſt deſcribed, but in a right line (illegible text) them, at the diſtance of little more than a (illegible text) from Torre del Greco, they found three or more of theſe new-formed mountains with cra(illegible text) out of which the lava flowed, and by uniting the ſtreams that came from the higher mouths, adding to their heat and fluidity, enabled the w(illegible text) current to make ſo rapid a progreſs over the (illegible text)fortunate town, as ſcarcely to allow its inhabit(illegible text) ſufficient time to eſcape with their lives. The vineyards belonging to the Torre del Greco, which produced the wine called Lacrima Ch(illegible text) that were buried and totally deſtroyed by this i(illegible text) conſiſted of more than three thouſand acres; the deſtruction of the vineyards by the torren(illegible text) mud and water, at the foot of the mountain of S(illegible text)ma, was much more extenſive.

In that part of the country, the firſt ſigns