Page:Burton Stevenson--The marathon mystery.djvu/158

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Success and Failure

Dear Lester [it ran]: By the merest good luck, I met Jack Drysdale just after I left you. Drysdale is betrothed to Miss Croydon, and is to be one of a little house party which Mrs. Delroy has arranged at her country house near Babylon, Long Island. Tremaine is to be a guest also! That is where he will spend the week, and it’s evident he’s going there with a purpose. I would give worlds to be there, but Drysdale has promised to keep a journal of events — he’s willing to do a good deal for me — and to wire me if anything unusual happens. So I hope for the best. Remember to keep your eyes open.


It is principally from Drysdale’s journal that I have drawn the story of those eventful days.