Page:Burton Stevenson--The marathon mystery.djvu/73

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A Glimpse at a Skeleton

“Of course,” he assented quickly.

“And that,” continued Godfrey earnestly, “is all you need to know. I believe she tells the exact truth when she says she tried to save Thompson’s life. Therefore, you may go back to her tomorrow without the need of asking a single question. Depend upon it, she’ll explain it all in time. Show her now that you trust her—that’s the least you can do—yes, and the most you can do to help her.”

“I will,” agreed Drysdale instantly. “You’ve taken a great load off my heart, old man.”

“You hadn’t faith enough. Why, one needs only to look at her to see that she’s above suspicion. I don’t think you quite appreciate her. Most men would be glad to get a woman like that on any terms.”

Drysdale sat for a moment staring into the fire.

“I do appreciate her,” he said slowly, “through and through. I’m appalled at the wonder of it, sometimes, that she should really care for a fellow like me. I’m not worthy——

Godfrey was walking nervously about the room.

“No, you’re not,” he broke in abruptly. “Mighty few men would be. Luckily, women don’t stop to look at that side of it. Besides, she’ll help you, if you really try to live up to her——

“I intend to,” said Drysdale humbly.

Godfrey started to say something more, then shook himself impatiently.

“Her appearance will help her,” he added in another tone, “when she’s called before the coroner—she’ll impress the jury in just the right way.”