Page:Bury J B The Cambridge Medieval History Vol 1 1911.djvu/775

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No un printed sources have been utilized for this Chapter. It will be convenient to deal with the Bibliography under the following headings : —

I. General; II. Egyptian; III. Oriental and Greek; IV. Pre-Benedictine European; V. Benedictine.


A. Bibliography Proper

Berli&re, Dom U. Bulletin d’histoire Benedictine, appearing 3 or 4 times a year since 1893, in the RBen. (Maredsous, Belgium) : all current literature cover- ing the subject-matter of the Chapter is indicated, the original title “ Mo nastique” being more correct than “Bdnddictine.”

K5r” he,

(Their books contain the best general bibliographies for all aspects of monastic history.)

Leclercq. See under 71, B.

RE* contains excellent bibliographies in general article, "Mdnchtum” (Griitz- macher), and special articles as “Pachomius,” “Benedikt von Nursia,” etc.

B. General History

Helyot, H. Histoire des Ordres religieux. 8 vols. Paris. 1714-19.

Le N&in de Tillemont. See Gen . Bibl.

(The sections of the Mdmoires that deal with the prominent monks probably make up the best general account of early monasticism.) Montalembert, C. Les Moines d’Oocident. 7 vols. Paris* 1860-77. Transl. Mrs Oliphant. Edinburgh. 1861-79. (Vols. i, n.)

Of more recent general accounts may be named :

Eckenstein, Lina. Woman under Monasticism. Cambridge. 1896.

Hannay, J. O. Spirit and Origin of Christian Monasticism. London. 1903. Hamack, A. Das Mdnchtum. Giessen. 1881, and later edns. Reprinted in Reden und Aufs&tze. Giessen. 1903. Transl. Kellett, E. E. London. 1901. Heimbucher, M. Die Orden und Kongregationen der Kath. Kirche. 2nd edn. 3 vols- Paderbom. 1907-8.

(Vol. i contains, both in regard to materials and to bibliography, by far the most useful general account of the subject.)

Zockler, O. Askese und Monchtum. 2 vols. Frankfurt-a.-M. 1897.