Page:Bury J B The Cambridge Medieval History Vol 1 1911.djvu/799

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Aspacures, made king of Hiberia by the Persians, 225

Aspar, son of Ardaburius, defends Carthage, 306, 465 ; 309 sq. ; and Leo I, 395, 469 sq. ; helps Boniface, 410 ; hinders expedition against Vandals, 426, 468 ; fall of, 427 ; makes truce with Yezdegerd II, 466 ; obtains accession of Marcian, 467 ; makes Leo emperor, 423, 468 ; demands advance- ment for his son, 470; supported by Goths, ib. ; death, 471 ;Theodorio obtains terms for family of, 475 Assyria, 82 ; 88 Asyut. See Lycopolis Ataulf , brother-in-law of Alaric, 270 ; joins Alaric, 271 ; promoted by Attalus, 272 ; 273; elected king, 274, 399; marries Placidia, 274, 398 sq., 402; policy of, 277, 284 ; in Spain, 278 ; death, t&. ; 289 ; negotiates with Jovinus, 401 ; treats with Honorius, ib. ; occupies southern Gaul, 402 ; retreats to Spain, 403 ; assassinated, ib . ; 404 sqq., 438

Athalarich, grandson of Theodoric the Great, policy of non-interference with the Vandals, 314 ; letter of, to Justinian, 440 ; succeeds Theodoric, 454 ; death, ib. Athanarich, judge of the Visigoths, perse- cutes Gothic Christians, 212 ; makes war on Rome, 213 and note ; opposes Fritigern, 214 ; resists the Huns, 215 ; makes peace with Valens, 221 sq., 231 sq. ; death, 237, 254 ; royal funeral, ib. ; 250, 260 Athanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, 14, 21 ; returns to see and is again banished, 104 ; cited. 111, 120; theological attitude of, 119, 487 ; at Council of Nicaea, 120 sq. ; return of (346), 125; 126; life-work of, 127 sq. ; de Incamatione of, 127 ; appeals to Constantine, 128; is expelled from Alexandria, ib. ; acquitted of heresy, 129 ; return to Alexandria, 130, 346 ; 131 ;

conceals himself, 132 ; de Synodie of, 134 ; returns to Alexandria (362), 135; again exiled, 136 ; 137 ; death, 139 ; ordination, 160 sq. ; 489 ; said to have brought mon- asticism to Western Europe, 531, 534; reliability of, 571 ; 584 ; teaching of, 587 Athenais, daughter of Leontius. See Eu- docia

Athenodorus (1), insurgent, captured and beheaded, 480 ; his head shewn at Con- stantinople, ib.

Athenodorus (2), insurgent, captured and beheaded, 480 ; his head shewn at Tarsus, ib.

Athens, Julian at, 64, 101, 116; 75; centre of learning for Greece at, 88 sq. ; last stronghold of paganism, 113; taken by the Goths, 261, 457; 465 ; 595 Athos, Mount, monks of, 529 Atlantic Ocean, Saxons in, 299; limit of ancient world, 368; 414 Atlas, Mount, 121 Atrans, defiles of, 60 C. MED. H. VOL. I.

Atrebates, British tribe, 373 Attacotti, tribes of Irish, pillage Britain, 223

Attalus, praefect of Rome, made emperor by Alaric, 115, 272; deposed, 273; re- instated, 277 sq., 403; his advice to Ataulf, 401 and note ; at Ataulf’s wed- ding, 402; discarded, 403 Attica, the barbarians in, 205 ; invaded by Alaric, 261

Atticus, Bishop of Constantinople, restores name of Chrysostom to the diptychs, 494 Attila, King of the Huns, 279 ; defeated at Campus Mauriacus, 280, 364, 416; and the Salian Franks, 297 ; results of con- quests of, 351 ; Ch. xn (b) passim ; appearance, character and habits, 360; friendship with A&tius, 361, 407 ; made maffister militum , 362 ; makes and breaks peace with Rome, ib. ; plot to murder, 363, 467; death, 365, 418, 420, 467; character of rule, 365 sq. ; mission of Pope Leo to, 365, 396 sq., 417, 503; results of invasion on Roman world, 398 ; Huns united under, 407 ; 412 ; makes war on Eastern Empire, 414 ; alleged proposal of marriage with Honoria, 364, 415 sq., 421, 424 ; ravages North Italy, 417 ; re- treats from before Rome, ib. ; Orestes secretary to, 429, 433 ; 430 Attis, worship of, 107, 114 Attuarii. See Chattuarii Audefleda, sister of Clovis, marries Theo- doric, 451

Audians, among the Goths, 212, 214 Augst, Barbatio at, 67 sq.

Augusti, Bystem of rule by, 27 Augustine, St (Aurelius Augustinus), Bishop of Hippo, cited, 94, 115, 156 sq., 180, 531, 545; De Civitate Dei of, 115, 170, 173, 575 sq. ; Epistles of, 115 ; 116 sq. ; ordina- tion of, 152 sq. ; 162 ; helps in defence of Hippo against the Vandals, 306 ; death, ib. ; influence of, 396 ; and Count Boni- face, 408 ; 497 ; doctrines of, 498 ; intro- duces monastic life into Africa, 532 ; 534 sq. ; and the navicularii, 553 ; 555, 566; and Christian education, 570; at Milan, 571 ; 577 ; influence of the philo- sophers on, 578 sq. ; Confessions of, 579, 586; and magic, 580; and the Mani- chaeans, 581 ; teaching of, 582, 585 sqq. ; and his son, 596

Augustine, missionary to Britain, 391, 541 Augustodunum. See Autun Augustus, C. Octavius, Emperor, 1, 11 ; monqpolises power, 24 sqq., 31 ; improves the coinage, 39 sq., 45; 89; 115; 170; attacks the Teutons, 195 ; 201 ; and Britain, 368; political system of, 396; 543, 550 ; Lex Julia of, 551 Aurelian, Emperor, 7 sq., 13, 21, 25, 28, 39 sq., 140 ; and the Goths, 204 sqq., 210 ; 295 ; and the food-supply of Rome, 551 ; legislation under, 555 sq. ; 561