Page:Bury J B The Cambridge Medieval History Vol 1 1911.djvu/834

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Persia, raises an “Eastern Question/* 22 sq. ; goes to war with Roms, 66 sq., 62, 71 ; reopens war, 72 ; 78 sqq. ; attacked by Julian, 81 sqq. ; treaty of Jovian with, 85; worship of Mithras in, 90; pagan philosophers flee to, 114; 219; renews war against Valens, 225 sq. ; negotiates, 231 ; Sapor III succeeds in, 238 ; annexes part of Armenia, 240; prehistoric in- habitants of, 329; greyhounds of, 340; in the nineteenth century, 348; devas- tated by Chinghis Khan, 350 ; 361 ; Ulus applies for help to, 436; at war with Rome, 464, 466 ; Mercian maintains peace with, 468; invaded by Saragurs, 469; defeated by Ephthalites, 478 ; and subject tribes, 481 ; Hypatius ambassador in, 486 ; condition of Christians in, 519 Persia, Bishop of. See John the Persian Persians, the, 18, 25, 57 sq., 72, 74, 82 ; at Ctesiphon, 83 ; at Maranga, 84 ; harass Jovian, 85; 98, 201 ; form an alliance with Euric, 284 ; 295 ; invade borders of the Empire, 306; make peace with the Romans, 315 ; hatred of the Altaians for, 343 ; and the Tartars, 347 ; allied with Huns, 363; defeated by Romans, make peace, 464 ; assist Illus, 478 ; take Amida, 481 ; 482 ; at the fort at Dara, 483 ; 514 Perthshire, Agricola advances into, 368 Pescennius, Niger, usurper, 17 PessinuB, visited by Julian, 79 ; 80 ; temple of Cybele at, 110

Peter, St, regarded as founder of Roman Church, 171 sqq., 505, 507; 608 Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, 140, 166 Peter, Bishop of Altinum, presides at trial of Symmachus, 449

Peter, Bishop of Ravenna, forbids perse- cution of the Jews, 453 Peter the Fuller, Bishop of Antioch, in- trudes into see, 514 ; twice expelled, tb. ; recalled, 515

Peter Mongus, Bishop of Alexandria, suc- cession to see disputed, 516; influence over AcaciuB of Constantinople, ib. ; and the Henoticon, 517 ; excommunicated by Simplicius, %6.

Peter of Zittau, chronicler, cited, 351 Petra in Arabia, Nestorius banished to, 502

Petronius, father-in-law of Valens, unpopu- larity of, 220 Pettau. See Poetovio Petulantes, the, summoned from Gaul, 72 sq. Peucini, 205

Peutinger’s chart, cited, 295

Pevensey (Anderida), fort repaired at, 379

Pfeffinger, Dr., 93

Pforzheim, possible route of Valentinian by, 224

Pharamond, son of Marcomir, legendary king of the Franks, 293, 295 Pharrantsem, Queen of Armenia, captured and slain by Sapor, 225

Philip, King of Macedonia, 17 ; negotiates with Bastarnae, 190 sq.

Philippi, 16; early Church at, 144; Goths at, 471

Philippopolis, Julian p as se s through, 77; Eastern bishops withdraw to, 130 ; Coun- cil of, 166; taken by Goths, 204; sur- renders to Aequitius, 221 ; Valens at, 250 ; 251 ; taken by Huns, 363 Philippus, envoy of Constantius, 61 Philo the Jew, theories of, 118, 496 Philomelium, church of, 164 Philostratus, 89 Phisonites, customs of, 349 Phocas, refuses to accept Christianity, 113 Phoenicia, 88

Pholoe, plateau of, 262 ; Stilicho blockades the Goths at, 458

Phronemhis, in command at Constanti- nople, 220

Phrygia, church of, 164; march of Valens into, 221 ; rebellion of Tribigild in, 262, 458; ancestors of the Franks driven from, 293 ; 459

Piacensa, letter to a deacon of, cited, 161 ; Ri rimer defeats A vitus near, 4 22 ; Orestes put to death at, 430 Picardy, early monasteries in, 534 Picenum, Goths at, 270, 273 ; 446 Piets, the, 58; oppose the Romans, 73; defeated by Maximus, 238, 383 note; driven out by Constans, 378 Pincian Hill, the, 448 Piraeus, the, seized by Alaric, 261 Piroz, King of Persia, and Leo 1, 469 Pisidia, TribigUd's march through, 458 Pispir, St Anthony at, 522 Pithyusae, ceded to the Vandals, 311 Pitt-Rivers, General, excavations made by, 376

Pityus, sacked by Bor&ni, 204 ; Chrysostom at, 493

Plaoentia, Goths at, 270 Plaridia, Galls, sister of Honorius, 270 ; de- tained by Alaric, 273 ; marries Ataulf, 274, 277, 398 sqq. ; ill-treated by Sigerich, 278, 404; pious influence of, 396; historic importance of, 397 sq. ; restored to Rome, 404 ; married to Constantius, ib , ; entitled Augusta, 405, 465 ; influence over Honorius, 406; banished to Con- stantinople, ib. ; 408; recalls Boniface, 409; and A&tius, 411, 418; death, 418; harmful education of Valentinian HI, 419; returns to Italy, 465; and Pope Leo, 506 ; mausoleum of, 610 Placidia, daughter of Valentinian III, carried captive to Carthage, 308 sq. ; 421, 468; released, 310, 424, 468 ; 418; marries Olybrius, 424 Placidus, St, 541

Plato, 93, 98, 100; Academy of, 114; 578 Plato, praefcct of Constantinople, 484 ;

hostility of the mob to, 485 Plautianus, minister of Severus, 31