Page:Bury J B The Cambridge Medieval History Vol 4 1923.djvu/936

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Chronological Table

774 Annexation of the Lombard kingdom by Charlemagne.

775 (14 Sept.) Death of the Emperor Constantine V and accession of Leo IV

the Chazar.

780 (8 Sept.) Death of Leo IV and Regency of Irene.

781 Pope Hadrian I ceases to date official acts by the regnal years of the Emperor.

787 Ecumenical Council of Nicaea. Condemnation of Iconoclasm.

788 Establishment of the Idrlsid dynasty in Morocco.

790 (Dec. ) Abdication of Irene. Constantine VI assumes power.

797 (17 July) Deposition of Constantine VI. Irene becomes Emperor.

800 Establishment of the Aghlabid dynasty in Tunis.

(25 Dec.) Charlemagne crowned Emperor of the West.

802 (31 Oct.) Deposition of Irene and accession of Nicephorus I.

803 Destruction of the Barmecides.

809 Death of Harun ar-Rashid and civil war in the Caliphate.

The Bulgarian Khan Krum invades the Empire.

Pepin of Italy’s attack upon Venice.

810 Nicephorus I’s scheme of financial reorganisation.

Concentration of the lagoon-townships at Rialto.

811 The Emperor Nicephorus I is defeated and slain by the Bulgarians:

accession of Michael I Rangabe.

812 Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle recognises Charlemagne’s imperial title.

813 Michael I defeated at Versinicia: Krum appears before Constantinople. Deposition of Michael I and accession of Leo V the Armenian.

Battle of Mesembria.

Ma’mun becomes sole Caliph.

814 (14 April) Death of Krum : peace between the Empire and the Bulgarians.

815 Iconoclastic synod of Constantinople.

Banishment of Theodore of Studion.

820 (25 Dec.) Murder of Leo V, and accession of Michael II the Amorian. 822 Insurrection of Thomas the Slavonian.

826 Death of Theodore of Studion.

Conquest of Crete by the Arabs.

827 Arab invasion of Sicily.

829-842 Reign of Theophilus.

832 Edict of Theophilus against images.

833 Death of the Caliph Ma’mun.

836 The Abbasid capital removed from Baghdad to Samarra.

839 Treaty between the Russians and the Greeks.

840 Treaty of Pavia between the Emperor Lothar I and Venice.

842 The Arabs take Messina.

Disintegration of the Caliphate begins.

842-867 Reign of Michael III.

843 Council of Constantinople, and final restoration of image-worship by the

Empress Theodora.

846 Ignatius becomes Patriarch.

852-893 Reign of Boris in Bulgaria.

856-866 Rule of Bardas.

858 Deposition of Ignatius and election of Photius as Patriarch.

860 The Russians appear before Constantinople.

860-861 (?) Cyril’s mission to the Chazars.

863 (?) Mission of Cyril and Methodius to the Moravians.

864 Conversion of Bulgaria to orthodoxy.

867 The Schism of Photius.

The Synod of Constantinople completes the rupture with Rome.

(23 Sept. ) Murder of Michael III and accession of Basil I the Macedonian. Deposition of Photius. Restoration of Ignatius.

867 (13 Nov.) Death of Pope Nicholas I.

(14 Dec.) Election of Pope Hadrian II.

868 Independence of Egypt under the Tulunid dynasty.