Page:CAB Accident Report, Pennsylvania Central Airlines Flight 19.pdf/23

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Another piece of paper, also burned around the edges, was found in a cornfield located a little less than a mile southeast of the scene of the accident. The piece is about 3 inches wide and 5 inches long. One of the Pennsylvania-Central Airlines flight calculators furnished for the convenience of the passengers was found in a stubble field about ⅞ of a mile southeast of the point of impact. This flight calculator, which weighs .11 of an ounce, is composed of two circular pieces of light cardboard, one about 1½ and the other about 3½ inches in diameter, held together by a pin through their centers. It was badly soiled but not burned. Two Pennsylvania-Central Airlines passenger manifest forms were found about ⅜ of a mile almost due south of the point of impact. These forms are 13 inches long by 8 inches wide, and when found were folded once and were burned around the edges. Two other passenger manifest forms were picked up nearby. These were folded twice and burned around the edges.

A light piece of cardboard, approximately 11 inches in length by 4 inches in width, was found about ⅛ mile southeast of the point of impact. It was identified as Pennsylvania-Central Airlines Form No. 248, with the words "Sorry, this seat is occupied" printed thereon. This paper was burned around the edges.

A number of pieces of paper, all identified as coming from the wreckage, were found about 300 yards southeast of the point of impact. Some of these pieces of paper showed indications of fire, while others showed none.

The bodies of the passengers and crew were all found forward of the point of impact beginning at a distance of about 250 feet and extending