Page:CAB Accident Report, Standard Airways Flight 388C.pdf/14

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Propeller Position

No. 1

No. 2

No. 3

No. 4

Hub S/N














15802 9

Flight Personnel

Captain David R. Brown, age 44, was employed by Standard Airways, Inc., on March 28, 1961. He holds valid airline transport pilot certificate No. 390404 with ratings for Lockheed Constellation DC-3/4, DC-6/7, and C-46 type aircraft. Captain Brown has a total of approximately 16,200.00 flying hours of which 3,287 hours are in the Lockheed Constellation and 357 hours in the model 1049G aircraft. He satisfactorily completed a company proficiency check on March 9, 1963, and an FAA en route inspection on August 12, 1962. He held an FAA first-class medical certificate with no limitations, dated January 21, 1963.

First Officer Joseph A. Merlo, age 39, was employed by Standard Airways, Inc., on December 31, 1962. He holds valid FAA commercial pilot certificate No. 141077 with multiengine land and instrument ratings. First Officer Merlo has a total of approximately 9,000 flying hours of which 2,500 hours are in L-1049G/H type aircraft. He satisfactorily completed his last FAA flight proficiency check on December 31, 1962. He held an FAA first-class medical certificate dated October 12, 1962 with the following limitation, The holder shall possess correcting glasses for near vision while exercising the privileges of his airman's certificate.

Flight Engineer Peter H. Raymen, age 39, was employed by Standard Airways, Inc., on November 1, 1962. He holds valid FAA flight engineer certificate No. 1360213 and has approximately 4,395 flight engineer hours of which 1,150 hours are in L-1049G/H and 749 type aircraft. He satisfactorily completed an equipment and proficiency check on November 3, 1962, and an FAA en route check on November 3, 1962. Flight Engineer Raymen held an FAA second-class medical certificate with no limitations, dated September 25, 1962.

Stewardess Sandra R. Wise, age 25, was employed by Standard Airways Inc., October 31, 1962. Her last proficiency stewardess line check was passed on November 16, 1962, and she completed the emergency evacuation training in Constellation aircraft on December 12. 1962.

Stewardess Ann R. Allen, age 28, was employed by Standard Airways, Inc., May 24, 1963 She completed the emergency evacuation training in Constellation type aircraft to May 28, 1963. Her initial stewardess proficiency line check was to be accomplished on the subject flight.
