Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/24

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Along this lane, starting from the aforesaid Celora farm and proceeding in the direction of Olgiate Clone, the follomng met Significant and principal

parts and pieces of wreckage of the plane were found in the order In which they are listed:




The upper plate, in perfect condition, of fuel tank cap P.N. 75008—135 by process of elimination, it was later ascertained that the cap belonged to tank No. 6 or No. 7.

Upper and lower panels, Wing ribs, bulkheads, inlet pipe P.N. 1478301 and other structural parts, belonging to tank No. 6 and the right side of tank No. 7.

These parts were Scattered along the lane of fall of the wreckage, up- course from the main wreckage (fuselage and left wing) and the right wing.

The surfaces of several of the panels and bulkheads, of quite large dimenSions, belonging to tank No. 6 and the right side of tank No. 7, were bent outward, as if they had been subjected to great internal pressure.

LikeniSe, intake pipe (P.N. 1478301) of tank No. 7 was literally split open by the obnous effect of great internal pressure. All these articles were extraordinarily clean and bore no sign of damage from fire.

The engines in the right Wing, numbered 3 and h, became detached from the wing in flight. They fell at a distance of some 1,100 meters to the SE of the main wreckage (fuselage-left Wing) in a field facing the (LRJI. plant at Castellanza, digging two holes in the ground.

Both engines suffered consuierable damage from the impact with the ground, especially the propeller of engine No. h, which became detached from the engine.

The right wing, complete with its cowlings and semicarriage, was broken off at a paint along the semicerriage housmg.

The wing fell in a field facing the Galli sawmill, in the township of Mamate, some 650 meters to the SE of the spot where the main wreckage (fuselage and left Wing) fell. It suffered conSiderable damage from the impact with the ground and from fire.

The main wreckage included the fuselage, the left wing, the left semicarriage, the fore carriage and the inner engine, No. 2.

This wreckage fell in the township of Olgiate Olona a few meters from the Agnesi farm, striking the ground almost vertically: it was found with the nose pelnting to the SE in such a pOSition that the axis of

the fuselage formed with the North an angle of about 11400. The entire wreckage was badly damaged, warped and broken in many places as the result of disintegration in the air, the impact With the ground and fire.