Page:CAB Accident Report, TWA Flight 891.pdf/36

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,36_ 1n thls compartment whlle the plane was 1n fllght; however, 1f there actually was such a f1re, 1t could have been only a small one.

Lubrlcatlng 011 system Nothlng abnormal was found. Oxygen system

Nothlng abnormal was found. Spec1f1ca11y, 1t was found that the system had not been used.

Instruments and controls

The cond1t1on in whlch the varlous fllght 1nstruments and 1nstallat10ns were recovered was such that the CommlSslon could not arrlve at any re11able factual deductlons from 1ts examlnation of them. In fact, follow1ng the d1sintegra- tlon of the plane 1n fl1ght, the 1mpact of the wreckage w1th the ground, and the f1re, generally speaklng the 1nstruments were broken, tw1sted, and damaged.

The same 15 true of the controls of the eng1nes and of the var1ous 1nstallatlons, as we have already mentioned at the beglnning of th1s par.

From a concurrence of ev1dence and clues, however, 1t was 90551b1e to deduce that the plane, at the t1me of the crash, was proceedrng toward B1e11a w1th1n the prescrlbed 11m1ts of speed, altltude and route and that 1t d1d not make use

of any emergency measures. For 1nstance, the sw1tch controlling

the s1gn for fastenlng the safety belt was found 1n the "Fasten Belts" pos1tion. This was later confirmed by the fact that the passengers were found w1th the belts fastened, whlle the [sw1tch for the] "No Smoklng" 31gn was found "off."

leewlse, none of the four emergency levers on the "emergency shut-off quadrant" was moved to the second or th1rd notch (whlch would have shut off the fuel from the eng1nes, the coollng a1r from the generators, and the lubr1cat1ng 011

from the englnes). This 15 deduced from the fact that the four valves for shuttlng off the coollng a1r from the four

electrlc generators of the eng1nes, wh1ch valves are controlled

by the aforesald levers, were found 1n the "open" p051tion. Electrlcal system

Nothlng abnormal was found. Where the rema1n1ng entangled mass of electrlc w1res had_suffered no damage from the impact, flre, etc., those w1res were strlpped of thelr coverlng and examlned, but nothlng abnormal was found.